Staff Augmentation

We’re experts in putting together a team that works exclusively from our offices to help you achieve your long-term goals. You have complete control over team setup, including salaries, benefits, and management.

Beyond Hiring:

Explore the Strategic Edge of Staff Augmentation

Exploring the vast landscape of outsourcing options can get a little overwhelming, but we’re here to clear things up. Together, we’ll uncover the simplicity and flexibility of staff augmentation, showing you how it can be a game-changer for scaling your business.

What is Staff Augmentation?

Staff augmentation is a strategic approach to bring in external talent to complement your existing team, tailored to your current project needs and goals. Imagine you’re working on an exciting gaming app and you find that you need three more developers to bring your vision to life. Your in-house team is already great, but they need a few more hands to meet your launch timeline.

Instead of spending months trying to find and onboard these new team members—which could delay your project—you can turn to staff augmentation. This method allows you to quickly integrate skilled developers into your team, accelerating your development process and helping you get your app out to your audience faster.

Staff augmentation boosts your team with the right talent just when you need it, offering a flexible way to meet project demands without long-term hiring commitments.​

Benefits of Staff Augmentation

Growing your business means being ready to grab new opportunities and tackle projects without missing a beat. That’s where staff augmentation comes in handy. It’s like having an extra set of hands exactly when and for as long as you need them, whether it’s for a special project or during busy times.
  • Cost Savings: Imagine you need someone with a very specific skill set for a project, but only for a short time. Hiring someone full-time for this would be like getting a year-long gym membership when you only plan to work out for a month. With staff augmentation, you bring in experts only when you need them, which means you save on all the costs that come with permanent hires—like salaries, benefits, and office space.
  • Access to Top Talent: Need a superhero for a specific project? Staff augmentation allows you to bring in specialists with the exact skills and experience you need, right when you need them. This means you can tackle new projects, technologies, or challenges without the long-term commitment of upskilling your current team or hiring new full-time experts.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: With staff augmentation, your team’s size and capabilities can flex with your project’s demands. Whether you’re scaling up for a big project or need niche expertise for a short period, you can adjust your team’s composition quickly and efficiently. This agility helps you respond to market changes, seize opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge without the constraints of a fixed workforce.
With staff augmentation, your core team can concentrate on what they do best, while augmented staff handle the specialized or extra work.

Which business operations benefit most from Staff Augmentation services?

  • Software Development Augmentation for Tech Startups: Tech startups often struggle to maintain an in-house development team due to tight deadlines and evolving project needs. Staff augmentation provides access to skilled developers on-demand, ensuring faster project delivery and scalability.
  • Marketing Team Augmentation for Growing Businesses: Expanding businesses require specialized marketing skills for effective campaigns. Augmenting the marketing team with experts enables efficient execution of diverse strategies, driving brand growth through social media, SEO, and compelling visuals.
  • Quality Assurance Augmentation for Software Companies: Maintaining software quality is crucial, but scaling an in-house QA team can be costly. Augmenting with experienced testers ensures comprehensive testing, quicker bug identification, and improved user experience, reducing time-to-market.
Through staff augmentation, a startup can quickly bring in experts to work on a project, ensuring they hit their launch timeline without permanently expanding their team.

Need a team upgrade? Find out what we can do for you.

For more than ten years, our specialists have seamlessly integrated with internal teams.
What sets us apart

Why Choose iScale for your Staff Augmentation needs?

We specialize in assembling dedicated team members who work directly from our offices to advance your company’s long-term goals. You retain full control over team composition, including salaries, benefits, and management. Our transparent approach guarantees smooth HR and administrative support, enabling you to concentrate on managing your team effectively and reaching your business objectives.

Effortless Team Expansion

Grow your team effortlessly, without the need for a physical office. Enjoy a secure and private work environment while we match you with dedicated team members who align with your goals.

Total Control, Zero Hassle

Direct your team and projects with full autonomy while we take care of the behind-the-scenes work, from hiring to handling paperwork. You focus on leading; we’ll handle the rest.

Fast-Track Your Market Entry

Bring your innovative ideas to life quicker and enter new markets with ease. Our straightforward staff augmentation service cuts through the complexity, giving your business the agility to thrive.

100% HR Support, Whenever You Need It

Lean on our local HR experts for all your administrative needs. From payroll to bookkeeping, we’ve got you covered, ensuring smooth operations so you can focus on growth.

Don't Just Outsource—Outshine with Our Top Talent!

With us, you’re not just filling roles; you’re strategically enhancing your team with some of the brightest stars in the industry. The future is waiting—let’s build it together.
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Our Tailored Solutions

Staff Augmentation vs. Other Outsourcing Strategies

Our expertise spans across various countries, including the Philippines, Vietnam, and Madagascar, ensuring that no matter where the best talents are, we’re there to bridge the gap.

Staffing Roles Available

Our Staff Augmentation Expertise

Expert coding services tailored for Python programming needs.
Comprehensive development solutions leveraging the versatility of .NET framework.

Strategic leadership and guidance to drive your development projects forward.

Comprehensive development solutions leveraging the versatility of .NET framework.
Specialized development services focusing on PHP scripting language.
Skilled C programming solutions crafted to address your development challenges.
Customized development services utilizing the power of Ruby programming language.
Skilled C programming solutions crafted to address your development challenges.

Elevate your mobile app projects with our staff augmentation services. 

Reliable technical assistance and support to ensure smooth operation of your IT systems.
Expertise in managing and optimizing SQL databases to support your data infrastructure.
Tailored solutions harnessing the capabilities of Salesforce CRM for your business needs.
Proficient analysis and interpretation of data to derive actionable insights for your business.
Rigorous quality assurance testing to ensure the reliability and performance of your software products.
Strategic assessment and optimization of business processes to drive growth and efficiency.
How it works

Our Staff Augmentation Process

Whether you’re looking to outsource specific tasks or entire processes, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Let us handle the details so you can focus on what matters most – growing your business.


Initial Meeting

Let’s get together—tell us your requirements, and we’ll explain our capabilities and how the process works.


Job Description Submission

Send us a detailed job description and meet with our Talent Acquisition (TA) team for a comprehensive evaluation of your needs.


Candidate Search

We’ll sift through our candidate databases to find the best-suited individuals for your project and company, then send you 2 to 3 resumes for review.

Candidate Selection and Interviews

Choose the candidate you prefer based on their resume and conduct interviews as you would internally. We’re here to assist during the interview process at your convenience.

Making Your Choice

When you find a candidate you’re particularly impressed with, we’ll discuss the terms of the contract, including gross salary, benefits, work location (remote or onsite), and IT equipment requirements.

Job Offer and Onboarding

We’ll extend a job offer to the employee and send you a service agreement. Our team will manage the employee’s onboarding process to ensure everything is in place for their first day. We’re flexible and will adapt to your onboarding needs and requirements.

Ongoing Management

You’ll oversee your team member’s operational duties, while we handle the rest, including HR and payroll.
Note: The entire process typically takes approximately 30 days from our first meeting, although this timeline can vary depending on client and candidate responsiveness.

Our Staff Augmentation Pricing Model

Our staff augmentation pricing includes what you pay employees (like salaries, benefits, and taxes) and service fees (covering things like operations, recruitment, office space, and IT).

iScale Staff Augmentation Pricing
Customized Staff Augmentation Solutions

From Home-Based Freedom to Full-Fledged Office-Based Setup

Boost your business with a team that molds to your work style, from the quiet of your home office to the buzz of a corporate setting. Our staff augmentation brings you the flexibility to expand and the expertise to excel, ensuring your success is always supported, no matter where you work.

Home-based Staff

Our home-based staff consists of talented professionals who excel in working remotely. They are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to efficiently collaborate with your team from any location. With a focus on productivity and communication, they ensure seamless integration into your projects while delivering high-quality results.

Hybrid Staff

Our hybrid staff members are adept at blending remote and in-office work to meet your specific requirements. They offer the best of both worlds, combining the flexibility of remote work with the collaboration opportunities of in-person interactions. Whether it’s attending meetings virtually or collaborating on-site, they ensure seamless coordination to achieve your business goals.

Office-based Staff

Our office-based staff members are dedicated professionals who thrive in a traditional office environment. They bring a strong sense of teamwork and camaraderie to your projects, fostering a supportive work culture. With access to on-site resources and facilities, they ensure efficient collaboration and seamless project execution.
Common Questions About Staff Augmentation


What makes iScale's staff augmentation solutions unique?

iScale offers a highly personalized approach to staff augmentation, focusing on understanding your specific project needs and company culture to ensure a perfect fit. Our extensive pool of talent across various domains enables us to quickly match the right professionals to your projects.

With our staff augmentation, the employee charged salary + mark-up. Mark-up depends on the services (Wage hosting, recruitment, IT, facilities) and the volume. For more information contact us at [email protected]

iScale takes care of all administrative and HR responsibilities, including contracts, payroll, taxes, and any legal compliance issues. This allows you to focus on your core business activities without worrying about the overheads associated with employment.

iScale serves a wide range of industries including technology, finance, healthcare, retail, and more. Our diverse talent pool allows us to cater to the specific needs of various sectors, ensuring industry-relevant expertise.